For Christmas, we gave Granny Barbara an empty John Deere picture frame. There was too much rain to take the picture I wanted so we told Granny we would get her picture later. Last week we used the good weather to snap this picture.
Tonight while Christina was at a candle light party, Dillon and I put together some of his Christmas presents. As you can see from the pictures below he got an accompanying airplane to his train tracks.
Dillon also got a couple of different trains and more tracks. Soon we will be able to lay down tracks all the way around the house.
Dillon loves watching the plane go through the loops. It resonates with the daredevil in him.
I love that babies begin to get their personality around three months, before then they are not very fun. Connor's has really started coming out in the past week. Enjoy the pictures used for Connor's 3 month page of his baby book.