It has been a crazy week. Between a trip down to Shafter, celebrating four different Christmas's (Christmi?), and a random get together in Sonora I have been neglecting the blog. Here are some random updates on my life.
I found out last week that the
California Board of Accountancy has accepted me as a CPA. After months of studying and traveling to Sacramento to take four hour tests I know have the privilage of putting three additional letters after my signature. By the way, I still will have to wait up to six months before I get my wall certificate so you will have to take my word for it that I truely am a CPA.
You may notice labels at the end of all the posts on the blog. This is because I finally updated to the new version of Blogger. Every post should have a tag to make searching the blog easier. For example, clicking on a the label "Dillon" will give all the posts that mention Dillon.
Over the Christmas weekend I received a lot of flack from relatives about any post not featuring pictures of Dillon. I was told no one cares about my other interests in life. Of course this came from the person whose idol is
Jimmy Buffett, so I take his parrot-head comments with a grain of salt.
Pictures from Christmas will be posted later.