Connor and Trent getting ready to have their first Christmas.
Grandma Ginni helping Dillon open some presents on Christmas Eve.
One of those presents was a re-gifted joke present from the Evans. Someone had given this outfit, straight from France, to Trent. Obviously, it was too hideous to throw away.
Dillon hamming it up for the camera.
Santa brought Dillon the Dinoco Helicopter, a toy guitar, and more Cars toys.
Now Dillon can play Rock Band with Mom and Dad with a guitar that is his size.
Santa brought Connor a complete set of baseball cards. Dillon also was given a set of baseball cards for his first Christmas from Santa.
Otis had to check out Dillon's presents from Mom and Dad. Don't worry dog lovers, Santa also brought Otis some Christmas treats.
This isn't Christmas related but it was too cute to not post.
Now playing: Fleet Foxes - Quiet Houses
via FoxyTunes