Tuesday, September 07, 2010

First Day of (Pre) School

I am a week behind in getting this post up, but Dillon started pre-school last Tuesday. He is attending Safari Learning twice a week, going half days on Tuesday mornings and full days on Wednesdays.

On Tuesdays he gets to take his lunch pail, which makes him feel like a big kid. And Wednesdays are pizza days so he gets one of his favorite meals. The curriculum is outstanding as he has already started recognizing his letters and their accompanying sounds. We have even caught Dillon trying to teach Connor the alphabet.

Dillon ready for his first day of pre-school.

Now playing: Jackson 5 - ABC
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

uncle larry said...

I am not ready for another one to go to school. Let him know he looks like a big boy and I am very proud. Also let me know when Connor gets tired of his lessons and clocks his brother a good one, you know its coming. Give them all a big hug for me. Thanks for the update.