Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ask Jimmie

The following are questions (and my answers) I am asked every day by Joe Q. Public.

Q: What do you get when you combine two of your favorite things, baseball and sudoku?

A: Baseball sudoku, of course.

Q: Speaking of merging things, what do you get when you combine a loser with an Internet sensation?

A: The most annoying clip of all time.

Q: What do I do if I am jogging and need to know the time, distance, and pace of my run?

A: Buy the iPod compatible shoes from Nike.

Q: Where can I find a geometry related game?

A: Right here. I have reached level 5 before I ran out of time/patience.

Q: What is the MLB Heavyweight Champion and who holds the current title?

A: The MLB Heavyweight Champion was devised by Ken Arneson (see the toolbar on the right hand side) and is defined as if MLB champs were decided like boxing: beat the champ, your the champ. The current champ as of May 23 is the Los Angeles Dodgers.

Q: What is your favorite part of The Colbert Report?

A: The Dead to Me and On Notice lists. I also thoroughly enjoy Stephen's trek from his news desk to the interview desk.

And finally...

Q: What can I do if I am bored?

A: Use Snoop Dogg's Google and read this blog again.

1 comment:

Craig said...

geometry game does get old fast and the baseball sudoku is a nice find. It finally made it interesting for me.When u have time to find all these still baffles me but keep it up