Thursday, February 21, 2008


Reasons why it has been over a month since I last made a post to this blog, in no particular order:

Taking Dillon to the snow.

Bruising my tailbone from riding sled down said snow.

Watching the awesomeness that is "Lost".

Celebrating the fact the Lakers got rid of the bum who couldn't catch a basketball or hit a mid range jumper known as Kwame Brown. The icing on the cake is they received in return a 27 year old seven footer who can score. (I loved the Sports Guy's take on the trade, towards the bottom of the mailbag, look for the bullet points.)

Watching Kobe ruin Shaq's debut in Phoenix.

Playing Rock Band with Dillon.

Watching Dillon play Rock Band with his Uncle James and Aunt Michelle.

Catching the cold. My entire office was sick a few weeks ago and I tried to isolate myself from the germs but eventually they caught up with me.

A lack of patience. I hate waiting ten minutes for my computer to boot up.

Doing my taxes.

Playing with Dillon outside.


Adam said...

I take it Rock Band is just as addictive as Guitar Hero?

Jimmie said...

I would say Rock Band is 3x as addictive as Guitar Hero because you also have to master the drums, singing, and the bass. If I can tear myself away from the game I will post a review/thoughts soon.

Adam said...
