Friday, April 30, 2010

Jimmie Salad

Last week my work had a going away luncheon. The coworkers throwing the party decided to make it a bring your favorite salad. Having a natural hatred to lettuce, I immediately said, "Count me out." One of my coworkers then convinced me that I should still come for fun and just bring my own meal. Little did I know that she was going to prepare me my own special salad.

The Jimmie Salad consists of Skittles, Starbursts, and Mike'N'Ikes.

Now playing: U2 - Sweetest Thing
via FoxyTunes


Jennifer said...

That's funny! I sure would have liked to eat that with dinner growing up!

Aunt Terri said...

That is a Kick!! How funny, man do they know you!!

Julie said...

I saw the title of your post and thought those things were mutually exclusive.

Anonymous said...

OK!! Time for newpic's, the salad is getting old. lol