Saturday, February 11, 2006

Bob Vila, Meet Your Match

About a month ago I started my first major project with our house. The reason for the project was because a future Dodger is going to be born in June and my current office was being turned into a nursery. The goal was to turn half of the garage into an office/game room.

I was able to get my father-in-law (who is best described as a meticulous McGyver because he can make anything out of nothing but takes a long time to do it) to come over and assess what would be needed for the project.

We would cut the garage in half with a wall going down the center of the room, creating a 15x24 foot office/game room. Mike, James (my bro-in-law), and I were able to get the frame up one Saturday afternoon. The first two photos show our progress after that first day. (Note: The garage side will have the washer and dryer.)

The next Saturday Mike and I, ok mostly Mike, ran all the necessary electrical that will be needed for the room.

Today, Mike and I hung the sheet rock on the garage side and wrapped the support beams with sheet rock. The first photo below is of the garage and is taken from the same spot as the photo above. The last photo is looking into the office/game room from the garage door.

I should have spent this morning and afternoon preparing for the CPA test, but working in the garage was a nice distraction. Once the room is finished I will post the "after" pictures.


dana said...

A whole saturday for the framing? That is meticulous (aka slow). Question: How did you secure the bottom of the frame to the concrete?

Adam said...

I don't see any anchors coming up through. Did you just use a powder actuated gun and shoot some nails down into the concrete?

dana said...

Thanks Adam. I, too, was wondering if you used the gun to shoot nails into the concrete (which is why i asked). So did you? Answer your freaking blog comments or I will never visit your blog again!

Jimmie said...

Sorry for such the long delay in answering my blog comments. I should tailor my every move to satisfy Dana. We used glue to anchor the frame to the floor. We also hammered the frame to the post that is in the middle of the room and to the studs where the frame meets the walls. By the way Dana, the second sentence in this comment was specifically designed to get you to think of a "your mom" joke in your head.

Fishy said...

Good one Jimmie

dana said...

Sorry to tell you this Jimmie, but I dont think the wall you built is up to code in california. It is my understanding that such a wall must be anchored to the concrete. I could be wrong, though. If you want, I will ask my uncle who is a building inspector.

Jimmie said...

Mike is a building inspector, so I will ask him. I am guessing that it does not to be anchored in because it is not a load bearing wall.

Anonymous said...

I kept wondering why a girl knew so much about anchoring walls...then I read "Dana's" profile. Sorry for the mistake. I am amused by the banter!

Jimmie said...

Laurie - Don't feel too bad about getting confused with Dana's gender. He was my first roommate in college and I thought that I had somehow got put in the girl's dorms because the letter from the school said my roommate was "Doris, Dana."

Dana - Mike told me that because it is not a load bearing wall then the glue is suffice to hold it down.