Thursday, October 19, 2006

4 months

Dillon had his four month old doctor's appointment earlier in the week. He measured in at 25 1/2 inches and weighed 13 pounds 6 ounces. The doctor said he was in the 75th percentile in length, 50th percentile in head size, and 25th percentile in weight. Our little beanpole also got three shots. Surprisingly he only cried for a few seconds. A tough little beanpole.


Last week Christina and Dillon made a trek down to Shafter, leaving me home alone. While I was struggling for survival, they were having fun with my family. Here are some pictures.

Taylor and Dillon excited that in a few months Taylor's little brother will be able to take a picture with them.

I still haven't figured out which one is the adult.

But Mom, I don't wanna wear a tie!

This last picture isn't from Dillon's trip, but it is his first meal other than milk. Not much of his crushed rice made it to his stomach.


Anonymous said...

Forget which one is the adult, all three look as if they did something in their diaper!

Anonymous said...

Jimmie wrote about Dillon, "The doctor said he was in the 75th percentile in length, 50th percentile in head size, and 25th percentile in weight."

The better question is: What are the stats on his Daddy?...

Ping-Pong Skills: 7th percentile


Evans-Smashi Yoo, Int'l Ping Ponger

Jimmie said...

If my ping pong skills are in the 7th percentile and the last time we played I easily beat you, where does that put you? I think it means you can only beat chimps and people in comas.