Monday, August 06, 2007

A Wii Bit of Fun

This weekend we got a Wii. I know what most of you are thinking, "Jimmie, you have a PS3 why did you buy a Wii?" The answer is simple: I got a great deal on it. You see, I had $205 worth of Best Buy gift cards that needed to be spent by the end of October. I was able to talk Christina in to it by telling her you can download classic Nintendo games, like Super Mario Brothers and Zelda, onto it. She also liked the idea of me only spending $45.

I would have bought it sooner than this weekend except Best Buy never had them in stock. Finally, I was able to track one down in Merced. We spent the weekend with our friends Paul and Caroline playing tennis, baseball, golf, bowling and boxing. Good times.

For now I only have Wii Sports and Wii Play (I only bought this one for the extra controller). For those of you with a Wii (or have played one) please leave me any suggestions on games to rent or buy.


Anonymous said...

I have a suggestion maybe your time and money would be better spent by brining Dillon down so he could spend time with his grandpa's and grandma's - insteead of you wasting your time and money on those stupid video games. Grandma Nixon (91 yrs old) is right young people today have large thumbs and small heads.

Anonymous said...

Dillon's daddy has more toys than Dillon, well more expensive toys. "Poor Dillon." Wait what about Christina, what does she get?
Enjoy your new toy, make sure you don't forget Christina and Dillon!!

Jimmie said...

I would blame Round Table Pizza for us not coming to Shafter this weekend, not video games. If Christina wouldn't have gotten food poisoning I would have killed two birds with one stone and picked up the Wii on the way to Shafter. Instead I had to make a special trip to Merced. Oh well.

But we will be coming down the 17th or 18th.

Adam said...

Well, Blazing Angels is pretty fun if you're into the flight simulator type games. Red Steel is also kind of fun for the sword play levels.

I'm really enjoying the new Zelda: Twilight Princess game. I'm about 9 hours in and just totally having a ball. I forgot how much I enjoyed RPG games, the puzzle solving, the slightly slower pace, the ability to interupt the game for other things.

Jimmie said...

Yeah, Zelda is on my "to buy" list because it looks fun. I'll have to rent the other two. Have you played the Big Brain Academy? That one looks like a fun party game.

I like the idea of using the Wii as something to play when a few people are over and using the PS3 for the more "hardcore" games.

Adam said...

I haven't heard anything about that game.

No offense, but the quote from your grandma in the first comment totally reminded me of this Abe Simpson quote:

I used to be with it, but then they changed what "it" was. Now, what I'm with isn't it, and what's "it" seems weird and scary to me.

Jimmie said...

That would make my Grandpa Jim like Homer (the son of Abe). I am sure he would find that awesome. He has often said that Homer is his hero.

edluv said...

what's the rabbit game? raymond's rabbid rabbits or something like that. it's good times.

Jimmie said...

Yeah, the rabbit game is on my to rent list.

Adam said...

Here my console number:

4703 1852 9483 1511