Monday, October 01, 2007


Last week a thought crossed my mind while I was surfing around the iTunes store: I have never listened to an entire Beatles album. The battle between Apple and the Beatles is very well documented. So I turned to the next best thing, Amazon.

My question for you is which album should I buy as my first Beatles cd? If you lived during the British Invasion or have a favorite album please leave me a note in the comments. I am currently leaning towards purchasing their number 1 hits cd, unless otherwise persuaded.

Now playing: Sia - Breathe Me
via FoxyTunes


Adam said...

There's nothing wrong with the double disc greatest hits collection. It has everything you'll probably ever want to hear.

Anonymous said...

Why waste time with The Beatles, when there is Buffett?

Adam said...

Who, Warren?

Jimmie said...

Adam, your treading on thin ice. I may not be a big fan of Jimmy Buffett but I know enough that any comments like you made will result in a flock of parrot-heads attacking you with their "shark fins" then pouring salt from their margaritas onto the open wound.

Adam said...

Are you sure it's Jimmy Buffett Jimmie? Larry could have been referencing Bernard Buffet, no?

Anonymous said...

Boys......there is only one Buffett, it is Jimmy! Warren has added very little culturally to the world! While Jimmy has given us true poetry, some my even call it the road map to life. So with that said, I can only add ~~~^~~^~~ finz up!

Jimmie said...

Dude, Adam, you better sleep with one eye open tonight.

Adam said...

Ooooh, Jimmy Buffet. I gotcha. He's the one that sang, "I feel like a woman." Yeah?