Sunday, October 25, 2009

Early Halloween

Today the kids enjoyed some Halloween activities at our church. It gave them a chance to show off their new costumes.

When playing Toy Story, Dillon is always Buzz, Connor is Woody, Mom is Jessie, and I am Zorg. This was the only picture we got with Woody wearing his boots.

Along with the boots, Connor also did not like wearing the hat. It was difficult to snap a good picture before he threw the hat off.

Dillon was so excited to be Buzz Lightyear. For the last week he has been asking every day when he could go trick or treating. He also always wanted to wear his costume around the house.

Now we have a sugar filled Buzz Lightyear running around the house screaming "To infinity and beyond!"

Now playing: Michael Jackson - Thriller
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...


Jennifer said...

Adorable! They are the cutest Buzz and Woody I have ever seen! Wish we could have taken Dillon with us to the 3D showing! He would have loved it :)

uncle Larry said...

I can picture him running thru the house, I bet he wears that suit out.