Thursday, September 07, 2006

Ready, Set, Ok Go

To some of you this is old news but for those of you who haven't seen the Ok Go video I urge you to watch it below. The choreography on the treadmills (yeah, you read that right) is mesmerizing.

I first learned about this video a few weeks back on The Colbert Report but I kept forgetting to pass it along. Going against traditional releases, the band posted their home made video on Youtube. This is not the first time they have done this, check out the first video here. Now sit back and enjoy.


Adam said...


Adam said...

No, really. Sweeeeet.

The first time I was at work and could only see the video. But it's even sweeter with the audio.

Jimmie said...

I think I have watched it at least 20 times and each time I am amazed. The song itself is great, but add the treadmills and you have one of the greatest music videos ever.

Adam said...

Yeah, I went and bought the album on iTunes.

Jimmie said...

I think you should put a review up on your blog about the album. I would be interested to know how the whole thing sounds.