Thursday, March 30, 2006

Lack of Blogging

The past week I have been slacking on the posts but I have reasons, even if they are lame. The first reason is because I spent the weekend in Shafter visiting family. The occasion that brought us to Shafter was my Aunt Lynn's 50th birthday party. (For those of you who don't know my aunt she can best be summed up in four words: Oklahoma, NASCAR, beef jerky.) All of my mom's siblings were there, including my Uncle Joe, Aunt Felicia, and cousin Robert. Everyone was excited because it was our first time to see Robert.

The party was on Saturday but Friday my mom and grandma threw a baby shower for Christina and Aunt Felicia. We came away with a car full of stuff (literally) and are very thankful to everyone who gave us presents. I used the baby shower as an excuse to hang out with John and watch basketball. Dana was also supposed to be there but he got "sick". I just think he wanted to stay home so that he could continue his redneck science project.

One of the great things about my family is that everyone knows how to cook and there is always plenty of food. Whether it is my mom's tacos, Aunt Lynn's fried fish, Aunt Susan's Rice Crispy chicken, or my grandma's biscuit and gravy our family is always full.

The second reason I have been behind on my blogging is because we have started the first season of 24. This is a show that I wanted to start watching at the beginning of the series but for some reason I did not catch the first few episodes and have been hesitant to jump into the middle of it. But now we are 18 hours in and are hooked.

I hope to not have such sporadic posts in the near future. So stay tuned.

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