Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Honey, I'm Home

Work has been crazy busy for me the past few weeks because our department absorbed another department in the county. The problem is this new department is in fiscal trouble and I have been tasked with helping to right the ship. It's all interesting work but it also means longer hours for me. Thankfully Dillon likes to relax with me when I get home and kick my feet up.

Ok, maybe it is a forced relax for Mr. Busybody, but I still enjoy it.

If he gets too squirmy while I am holding him I just tickle him, get him hyper, and send him over to bug his mom.

When he is not running around our house Dillon enjoys his new favorite fruit, the Cuties Clementine. He can't say "orange" let alone "clementine" so he calls them "bapples." For some reason he can't drop the "b" when he is referring to his other favorite fruit. No matter how tired I am after work I can't turn away this face when he brings me a bapple to peel.

Now playing: Cake - Sad Songs and Waltzes
via FoxyTunes


Anonymous said...

That position in your lazy-boy recliner looks remarkably similar to the postion you took up before your department absorbed the other dpartment. The only difference I can see is that you have no X-Box controls in your hands - they must be working you hard!

Anonymous said...

Nice intro for the label, thanks for props. I will see that he gets plenty on his next trip.

Jimmie said...

I figured you would get a kick out of the fact that Dillon's favorite fruit was produced by Sun Pacific.

Maybe you should pull some strings and have the marketing team use him as a spokesman.

Anonymous said...

This was the talk of the office, can't wait for his visit. It wasn't only his uncle, we all enjoyed this. So tractor for his birthday, clems are his favorite, if there are pruning sheers under the christmas tree you guys have to hide that little guy, they will put him to work...... Again thanks for the photos they were a hit.

Anonymous said...

hey you know someone who works for sun pacific

edluv said...

i saw a commercial for a product the rectifies male infantile baldness and thought of you.