Sunday, November 25, 2007

Maui Day 2

Our second day on the island was uneventful. The rainy morning was spent planning our week and the afternoon was spent in a time share presentation. (No, we didn't buy. And yes, we only went to get $110 off our luau.) Here are a few of the best pictures taken for the day.

Dillon enjoying the rainbow created by the morning showers.

Before we left I was tasked with getting Dillon swimming diapers. I did get the right size, however they had the Little Mermaid on them. Thankfully, you can't tell in this picture.

This is our view from the balcony of our hotel. In the background you can make out the island of Molokai.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are all having a good time. I think it is fair that if Dillon has to run through the water in Little Mermaid diapers, you should have to wear a Giants hat??

Jimmie said...

Sorry, fresh out of Giants hats.